Key info
Term Dates
Colne Valley High School follows the term dates set by Kirklees Council. In addition, there are a further five days during which school is closed to students.
School Day

Weekly total hours
Core school hours are between 8:40-15:10, totalling 32.5 learning hours per week. Please note, this doesn’t include any after-school activities.
Daily overview
The school day begins at 8.40. Students report to their form room at 8.40, ready for morning registration with their form tutor.
Students take a 20-minute break between 10.10 and 11.30. Each year group takes a break at a set time during Period 2. This ensures students have plenty of time to socialise with their year group and to visit the restaurant to buy a morning snack and drink if they wish.
Students take a 40-minute lunch break between 12.30 and 14.10. Each year group has a set time for lunch and use of the restaurant. This reduces queuing time and makes for a calm and relaxed social time for students from the same year group to eat together.
A good start to the day begins with a good breakfast. Students are invited to take breakfast in the restaurant from 8.00 each school day.
Early bird learning
For Key Stage 4 students, we run additional classes over the school year. These are focused revision sessions intended to support students in key subject areas. The classes may occasionally start before school (from 8.00) and usually run for 60 minutes after school on most evenings for Year 11 students.
At the end of the school day at 15.10, students can continue learning in a range of ways, including through our extracurricular programme. This programme includes:
- Focused revision, particularly for Year 11 students
- Sports and PE activities, including sports fixtures
- Performing arts and rehearsals for upcoming performances
When students receive a behaviour sanction as part of our pastoral support programme, they attend a 30-minute, 45-minute or a 60-minute detention after school.