Key info
SEND Information
There are no barriers to what you can achieve at Colne Valley High School.
A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. This means that they have a much greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or they may have a disability which means that they cannot make full use of facilities provided. This could include difficulties with communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health; sensory difficulties with sight or hearing; or physical difficulties. In all these cases, there are ways we can support students to enjoy learning and to reach their potential.-
As a school we aim to:
- ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum
- build on each pupil’s strengths
- provide a differentiated curriculum and support provision appropriate to an individual’s needs and ability
- identify all pupils requiring SEND provision as early as possible in their school career, including effective liaison with previous primary school.
SEND Policies
The earlier that students are identified as having additional needs, the earlier that we can work to support those needs, therefore we have a SENDCo who maintains links with our partner primary schools, working with the teachers of primary students who have expressed a wish to join us in Year 7. We engage in a lot of transition work which means that we have a very good understanding of all students coming to us, even before they start in September; this allows us to put in some intervention work before the start of term.
Upon entry to Colne Valley High School, the abilities of each student are assessed and we continue to monitor these as the child progresses through the school. Assessment data will include records from primary schools and discussions with primary school teachers, information from parents, performance in KS2 SATS, cognitive ability tests taken at the start of Year 7, reading and spelling age tests, reports from external agencies such as Speech and Language, evidence from form tutors and subject teacher observations and assessments.
Contact Us
We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where every student can succeed and we continually review and improve our SEND provision to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. For more information or to discuss specific needs, please contact our SEND Coordinator.
SEND Coordinator: Mr James Summers Email:
Deputy SEND Coordinator: Miss Kim Mackie Email:
SEND Administrator: Mrs Tracy Wilkins Email: with responsibility for SEND: TBC
Contact Address: Colne Valley High School, Gillroyd Lane, Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5SP Telephone: 01484 848680