Our Governors

Colne Valley High School joined Great Heights Academy Trust on 1st January 2024.

The Interim Local Governing Body (ILGB), comprised of experienced Trustees and Governors, has provided a high level of challenge to the senior leadership since February 2024. This has helped the school to improve the key areas of: safeguarding, SEND, behaviour and leadership. It has been approved by GHAT Trust Board that this ILGB will continue in 2024/25 to ensure that the recent progress is maintained.

Governors’ attendance data:
Governors’ information and registration of interests:

Trust Governance

Colne Valley High School is part of the Great Heights Academy Trust. Information on the governance and trust board of Great Heights Academy Trust can be found here. Information on Trust status and accounting can be found here.

Schools financial benchmarking data related to Colne Valley High School can be found here.

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