Personal Development

At Colne Valley High School, we recognise the importance of a robust Personal Development curriculum which supports the holistic experience and growth of our pupils. Each year group has Personal Development taught though a tutor time programme which incorporates aspects of RSE, PSHE and Citizenship which are supplemented by focussed assemblies and extracurricular experiences. Our careers programme is closely aligned to subject specialisms and pathways with opportunities for work experience and talks with employers through the year.


All pupils in Years 8-11 are supported to develop the skills needed to make informed decisions and to develop their employability so they make successful transitions post-16. We engage proactively with our local further education and work-based learning providers. Termly Business Breakfast events ensure regular two-way communication with local employers. Through our comprehensive careers and employer engagement approach our pupils are able:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships through options events, assemblies, career spotlights, employer engagement events and taster sessions.
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

For further information, follow this link to our careers section.


We aim to ensure our pupils leave Colne Valley High School as responsible, well-rounded and empowered citizens. We introduce the importance of community by developing students as contributing members within the academy, preparing them for future social responsibilities when they leave school. Through a robust Personal Development curriculum, we teach citizenship through the British Values of Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance. All students receive weekly sessions that focus upon citizenship which is supplements by extra-curricular trips, assemblies and focussed drop down days.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

At Colne Valley High School, RSE forms an integrated part of our Personal Development provision.
The school RSE education meets the statutory requirements. The provision will account for pupils’ age and maturity levels, as well as their cultural and religious backgrounds. Our provision also ensures pupils know how to be healthy and safe in school, in their personal relationships and in the wider world.
This RSE curriculum is sequenced to build on subject-specific curriculums including the science curriculum’s study of the human reproductive system, whilst ensuring that we have tailored our provision to consider age-appropriate delivery points. The building of knowledge and life skills over time is sequenced to prepare students for issues they will soon face.

This includes:

  • Healthy bodies and lifestyles, including keeping safe, puberty, drugs and alcohol education.
  • Different types of relationships, including friendships, family relationships, dealing with strangers and, intimate relationships.
  • How to recognise, understand and build healthy relationships, including self-respect and respect for others, commitment, tolerance boundaries and consent, and how to manage conflict, and also how to recognise unhealthy relationships.
  • How relationships may affect health and wellbeing, including mental health.
  • Healthy relationships and safety online.
  • Factual knowledge, around sex, sexual health and sexuality, set firmly within the context of a healthy relationship.
Our RSE curriculum is in line with current regulations from the Department of Education (DfE) and is aimed to meet the requirements set out in Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (July 2019).

Relationships, Sex Education and Health Education are taught as a statutory subject through Personal Development lessons as well as wider subject curriculums. Through delivering RSE, we make a significant contribution to the academy’s legal duties to;

  • prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life;
  • promote the spiritual, moral, social cultural mental and physical development of students.
We utilise various outside agencies to work alongside us in meeting the needs of our pupils. The provision will constantly be monitored and updated to ensure that it is age and maturity appropriate and will also take into consideration any pastoral concerns or contemporary issues that may be relevant to the academy.
Parental consultation and right to withdraw
This curriculum has been open for parental and community consultation since September 2019. This process is still open and ongoing. The Department for Education (DfE, 2019a) is clear that we “recognise the importance of strong, constructive and open conversation with parents in the education of their children.” This will empower you to continue the conversations started in class at home (DfE, 2020).
Parents should note, that you cannot withdraw your child from Health Education or the Relationships Education element of Relationships and Sex Education because it is important that all children receive this content, covering topics such as friendships and how to stay safe. If you do not want your child to take part in some or all of the Sex Education lessons delivered at secondary school level, you can ask that they are withdrawn.
We will consider this request and discuss it with you, and will grant this in all but exceptional circumstances, up until three school terms before your child turns 16. At this age, your child can choose to receive Sex Education if they would like to, and the academy should arrange for your child to receive this teaching unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The science curriculum in all maintained schools also includes content on human development, including reproduction, for which there is no right to withdraw.

If you would like to discuss the RSE curriculum in further detail, please email: 

Personal Development Intent
Personal Development Timetable 2024-25

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum is continually assessed and adapted to support the needs of our students. Through communication across the different stakeholders within the academy, our lessons and curriculum plans respond proactively to meet the priorities raised by staff, students and our community.
PSHE in key stage 3 is built upon the knowledge and understanding acquired during the primary phase. We recognise that Year 7 students face new challenges in developing independence and navigating their way in a new school with new experiences. We therefore address ideas of friendships, safeguarding and emotional resilience to support this school transition. As our students continue to move through the key stages and develop as young adults, we teach the knowledge and skills to support the different challenges of adolescence within our changing society.
At Key Stage 4, students deepen the knowledge and understanding introduced in Key Stage 3. As students face greater challenges of exam pressures and financial independence, we focus on skills required for an independent role in adult life.
Each Key Stage works towards essential learning points where PSHE is supplemented by assemblies, extra-curricular opportunities and external agencies who contribute to the personal development of our students.

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